
4a. The Critical Insurance Benefit
Helping your client internalize how they could use the critical illness proceeds, or making them “Attached” to the benefit, is one of the most integral parts of the sales process. It is not enough that your client understands these three basic things:
• Incidence - there is a high probability of being diagnosed with one of the covered critical illnesses in their lifetime
• Can strike at anytime - it could happen to them or the healthiest person they know
• Survival with consequence - more people are surviving, but recovery brings financial and emotional consequence

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4b. Positioning CI in the Business Market
Many advisors have had critical illness meetings with small business owners that start off very positive. This often changes when the owner sees the premium and defers or declines the coverage with the following objection: “This looks like a great product, but if I were dealing with a major illness, my company would still be producing so I would have lots of access to funds.”

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4c. Positioning CI for Children and Young Adults
No one wants to think of their child having a significant illness, but most parents
understand the tremendous strain it would put on their family. When presenting critical illness for a child to parents, you should not focus on the incidence of illness but instead on the impact, both financial and emotional, that a critical illness diagnosis could have on the family. 

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