Compliance Resources
Recent Compliance News
Important cybersecurity readiness guidance
It can be challenging to ensure your practice is up-to-date. We hope that the following information assists you in meeting regulatory compliance requirements, supporting your needs-based sales, and treating customers fairly.
Needs-based sales practices are a requirement. Promoting a customer-focused system through needs-based sales practices includes: ● Maintaining a strong client focus. |
Code of Conduct - Advisor code of conduct
Our Advisor Code of Conduct sets out Equitable Life's expectations of advisors in dealing with clients and other stakeholders. The Code of Conduct forms part of your contractual relationship with us. Review the Advisor Code of Conduct.
Prior to Conducting Advisor ActivitiesAnti-money laundering
Canada's Anti-Spam Law (CASL)
Continuing education (CE) credits
National Do-Not-Call List (DNCL)
Preparing for Sales Meetings
Advisor disclosure letter
The advisor disclosure letter outlines information about the advisor including licensing, companies represented, compensation, conflict of interest, etc.
You can also create one letter that combines the advisor disclosure and client engagement information.
“The Approach” to supporting suitable, needs-based sales – Reference
The CLHIA recommends six supporting elements to make a suitable, needs-based sale. Equitable created this reference presentation, “Ensuring a Compliant, Needs-based Insurance Sale”, that leverages The Approach to explain the requirements for each step, along with the documentation to retain in the client file.
To receive a CE Credit, please complete the course on our learning centre. Please click here to learn more.
Client engagement letter
Typically, you would provide the client engagement letter to a new client after your first meeting.
This letter helps set client expections about what information they will be asked to provide and the type of services and advice the advisor will provide for immediate transactions and the ongoing relationship.
You can also create one letter that combines the client engagement and advisor disclosure information.
During and Immediately After the SaleClient File Reference
Policy replacement
Reason Why letters