A good time to look at the Equitable Life Money Market Fund Select

A good time to look at the Equitable Life Money Market Fund Select
Whether clients are looking for a short-term cash savings solution or are interested in funding a dollar cost averaging strategy, the Equitable Life Money Market Fund Select may be an ideal solution.

With a current yield to maturity of 3.24%*, the fund provides maximum income through short-term investments consistent with preservation of capital and liquidity. 

And advisors earn the full commission upon deposit on funds used for a dollar cost averaging strategy.

For more information check out Equitable Life Money Market Fund Select or contact your Regional Investment Sales Representative.

* As of March 22, 2023, net of fees. Yield to Maturity: The market value weighted average yield to maturity includes the coupon payments and any capital gain or loss that the investor will realize by holding the bonds to maturity.

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Date posted: March 28, 2023