Access more fund performance information faster and easier

Access more fund performance information faster and easier

Welcome to a new and improved Fund Overview & Performance  website for Equitable Life® segregated funds.

A central location for:

  • fund performance and quartile rankings

  • daily and historical unit prices

  • fund information (available in web and PDF)

  • Fund Facts documents

  • MERs


  • Save your favourite funds for easy access.

  • New fund search and filter tools by product, guarantee, asset class and sustainability.

  • Share features allow you to easily share fund information with clients.

  • Ability to compare fund performance of Equitable Life segregated funds.

  • Simulated backcasted returns for funds with less than five years of performance history.

Check out the new Fund Overview & Performance webpage today to see how Equitable Life is making fund information faster and easier to access. Speak to your Regional Investment Sales Manager to learn more!

 ® denote a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.

Posted February 27, 2023