Individual Insurance product enhancements

Equitable Life has exciting product enhancements that will help you offer more options to clients.
Watch our Virtual Product Launch NOW. Grab a coffee and get ready for this exciting news! Hear from our leaders and learn about our exciting product enhancements.
- Full Product Launch Video (approx. 20 minutes). - Introduction video (View on Vimeo) / Product launch page
Highlights of the product changes effective February 12, 2022, include:
NEW! 10 pay premium option with Equimax Estate Builder®
- The new EquiLiving® 20 pay rider options will be available on Equimax® plans
NEW! EquiLiving plans and riders enhanced with:
- 20 pay options with coverage to age 75 or coverage for life- Support from Cloud DX to help monitor a client’s well-being from treatment to recovery.
- Added Acquired Brain Injury as a covered critical condition
- 30-day survival period removed for all non-cardiovascular covered conditions
- No age restriction to claim for Loss of Independent Existence (LOIE)
- EquiLiving Benefit now pays the higher of the EquiLiving Benefit or the Return of Premium Rider Benefit (not including Return of Premium on Death)
- And so much more …
New Illustration software available on February 11, 2022
The updated illustration software will be available for download after 9 a.m. ET on Friday, February 11, 2022, and will include all the Equimax and EquiLiving enhancements.
See the Equitable Sales Illustrations Update for information on how to download the software or check for updates.
Please review updates to the commission schedule A for these new enhancements.
Learn more
- Transition rules are available
- Watch our virtual launch event video now! (Approx. 20 minutes),
- Watch our product launch intro video here. Watch on Vimeo
- Visit our launch event page with product change details and more
- Marketing Materials
Please contact your Regional Sales Manager for more information.