Going digital with Pivotal Select Fund Facts

Did you know, with every new policy, your client should receive a copy of Equitable Life’s Pivotal Select™ Fund Facts (Form #1366)? Did you know you can send it electronically?
Over the last year, more and more advisors are opting out of traditional paper. Instead, advisors are going digital. Here are the top three reasons why.
- Clients receive the information quickly and conveniently.
- Advisors are confident clients are receiving the most current version available.
- Advisors can easily adhere to regulations. When providing the client with a link to the electronic Contract and Information Folder (Form #1403), it is easy to also provide a link to the Pivotal Select Fund Facts.
Make it easy and convenient by getting in the habit of going digital.
- Pivotal Select Fund Facts
- Pivotal Select Contract and Information Folder
- Pivotal Solutions Fund Facts
Does your client prefer a PDF brochure with Fund Facts for all the available funds? Download your copy by logging on to EquiNet®. For more information contact your Regional Investment Sales Manager.