Introducing Path to Invest for learning and earning CE credits

Introducing Path to Invest for learning and earning CE credits
Equitable Life is pleased to introduce Path to Invest, our self-serve Continuing Education accredited presentation platform for advisors.
Whether you want to learn more about the financial services industry or how responsible investment solutions can fit into a client’s overall financial well-being, Path to Invest has what you are looking for.  

It’s a one stop shop with 15 accredited presentations on a variety of topics.  All with a video tutorial, short quiz and resource links for more information. 


A few important notes before you get started. 
PLEASE USE CHROME to get the best online experience as elements of the platform may not display correctly in other browsers.
To get started on your Path to Invest:
  • • Click Equitable Life Education site
  • • Use the email address that you received this email to login.
  • • Your password is Equitable
  • • This link is specifically for your use only. Please do not share this link.
Earning CE credits with Path to Invest is easy. 
  1. Select a module.
  2. Watch the entire video presentation.
  3. Complete the quiz and receive a passing grade.
Once you’ve successfully completed the requirements, your personalized CE certificate will automatically be available to download.
Check out Path to Invest and start learning and earning CE credits today. 

Questions? Contact your Regional Investment Sales Manager to get started on your Path to Invest today!
™ or ® denote registered trademarks of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.

Posted June 14, 2023