NEW Jump Around feature available on EZcomplete

One of the most requested features is available on EZcomplete® effective November 19, 2022. We like to call it “jump around”. It’s the ability to jump from one part of the application to another and back again. You no longer have to complete the application one section after another in order. This will allow a lot more flexibility when submitting a policy application.
This functionality is helpful as you can input basic client information ahead of a meeting to review with the client later. After completing the Owner’s step (step 1), you could jump to step five (Subsequent Payment) or step six (Third Party). This allows you the opportunity to easily jump back and add a second owner once you have all their details from the client. You can also return to your dashboard, and when you go back into the application, you will be returned to the owner’s section.
Hitting the Save button will save the information you have inputted already, so after jumping ahead to a different section, you can return to complete those questions knowing your progress will be saved. When you have completed all the necessary fields, hitting the Done button will validate all the information and the step will be complete. A check mark will appear beside each completed and validated step.
Please note, if you go back to a previously validated step and change information you will have to go through all subsequent steps and complete and validate them again by clicking next if nothing has changed or making any necessary changes.
To Equitable Life®, the term EZ really means something! Learn more about how doing business with Equitable Life continues to be easy.
Questions: Please contact your Regional Sales Manager
® denotes a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.
This functionality is helpful as you can input basic client information ahead of a meeting to review with the client later. After completing the Owner’s step (step 1), you could jump to step five (Subsequent Payment) or step six (Third Party). This allows you the opportunity to easily jump back and add a second owner once you have all their details from the client. You can also return to your dashboard, and when you go back into the application, you will be returned to the owner’s section.
Hitting the Save button will save the information you have inputted already, so after jumping ahead to a different section, you can return to complete those questions knowing your progress will be saved. When you have completed all the necessary fields, hitting the Done button will validate all the information and the step will be complete. A check mark will appear beside each completed and validated step.
Please note, if you go back to a previously validated step and change information you will have to go through all subsequent steps and complete and validate them again by clicking next if nothing has changed or making any necessary changes.
To Equitable Life®, the term EZ really means something! Learn more about how doing business with Equitable Life continues to be easy.
Questions: Please contact your Regional Sales Manager
® denotes a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.