Making it easy to do business with us

Making it easy to do business with us

Online Term illustration now auto-populates the application 

We have added a new online illustration for Equitable® Term life insurance illustrations that automatically populates the fields in your Term application. 

We’ve designed the online illustration to be intuitive so you can fill in client details with ease. 
●  Select term plans and coverages of choice, then get an illustration report in minutes. 
●  You can save your web illustration progress at any time and view it from the online application dashboard. 
●  We’ve combined the illustration with our online application to make the process seamless. The illustration details you provide will auto-populate in the fields needed to complete the application. 

New: You can create a term illustration without logging in to EquiNet.   

We are taking another step in the journey towards enhancing the ways we do business. 

Check out this update on the new Illustrations page on EquiNet®

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® and TM denote trademarks of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.