Manage your business virtually with Equitable Life

As an advisor, we know that physical distancing and self-isolation are proving to challenge the business as usual practise. The good news is that Equitable Life® is here to help. Our self-serve and online tools and resources for Savings and Retirement advisors can assist in maintaining a certain degree of daily activity.
Online Banking
Help your clients during this time of isolation and self-distancing by letting them know about banking online. Online banking is an easy and convenient way for your clients to make additional contributions to non-registered savings plans, Tax-Free Savings Accounts or even last-minute contributions to a Retirement Savings Plan.
Deposits will be made according to the instructions on file. Advisors will receive the regular commissions for any deposits made. Please note that all deposits must originate from the policy owner's bank account.
For more information on using online banking including financial institutions currently registered for direct deposit with Equitable Life, click here.
EZcomplete for non face to face
We know that business still needs to happen, even in times of uncertainty. EZcomplete® can help with that. With our non face-to-face functionality, EZcomplete allows you to remotely connect with your clients. Once the online application is complete, EZcomplete sends your client a passcode that gives secure access to review documents and allows your client to provide an electronic signature. You only need to provide your client’s email address.
EZcomplete makes the process of completing non face-to-face applications more convenient and doing business with Equitable Life EZ. For more information on EZcomplete, click here.
Limited Trading Authorization
Need to make some fund adjustments for your client? Limited Trading Authorization (LTA) is built into the Pivotal SelectTM and Guaranteed Interest Account applications to simplify the process of submitting client requests. Alternatively, the Limited Trading Authorization Form # 14 can be completed. Discretionary trading is not permitted. The advisor must have documented the client’s instructions in the client file. To learn more, click here.
Client Access
Does your client need to make changes to a pre-authorized deposit or beneficiary information, address or banking information? Does your client have a Client Access® account? Client Access is Equitable’s secure online client site that connects clients to tools and policy information. To create a new Equitable Client Access account, your client will need to reference the policy number(s). By registering for Equitable Client Access, policyholders and annuitants can make changes and view information such as:
Details of investment holdings including:
Up-to-date market value of investments;
Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) maturity dates and values;
Premium amounts, death and maturity guarantees and beneficiary information; and
Recent account activity.
Details of Payout Annuities including:
Next payment date;
Annual income and payment guarantee details; and
Beneficiary and Annuitant information.
There is also a secure inbox where copies of statements and other correspondence are available. To learn more, click here.
Need help with any of these resources? Contact our Advisor Services team Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET at 1.866.884.7427 or email, or your local Regional Investment Sales Manager.