Open doors with our updated CI & UL solutions!

These updates are all about cost savings for clients and helping advisors like you grow your business. And the response has been fantastic!
What’s new for CI and UL?
1. Lower monthly costs for new EquiLiving® critical illness (CI) policies paid monthly – hello savings!
• The monthly modal factor for CI decreased from 0.09 to 0.0867.
• The monthly policy fee decreased from $4.50 to $4.34.
*Note: EquiLiving premium rates and annual policy fees have not changed.
2. Lower monthly costs for UL policies with CI riders added – now it’s more affordable to add CI coverage when selling UL!
Commissions got a makeover too
Good news! Commissions on Term and EquiLiving CI policies are now calculated based on the total premium paid for the policy year—even if clients opt for monthly payments. No more annual premium commission calculations!
Learn more!
Questions? Contact your Equitable wholesaler for all the details.
Cheers to savings and growing your business with Equitable!
® or TM denotes a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.