Product updates - See our latest!

Product updates - See our latest!

Good news!  The updates to Equitable’s individual insurance solutions, scheduled for October 5th, 2024, as announced last week, are now in effect!    

What’s new in this product update?
1. A new premium rate band for Equimax® policies with $5 Million and more of basic  life insurance coverage.
2. A new illustration for switches from Paid-up Additions (PUA) to the Cash dividend option when premium offset is selected.
3. A new way to calculate commission on Equimax life insurance, Term life insurance, and EquiLiving® critical illness insurance plans when clients choose monthly payments.
4. A new life Evidence of Insurability Schedule (Form #1343) 

…and there’s more!

Visit our new splash page for a complete summary of the product changes, our latest video, and links to our sales tools and important resources:
English-Button.jpeg French-Button.png Chinese-Button.png
*Video available in English with French and Chinese sub-titles

Please refer to our Transition Rules for all the details on processing your applications.

Need more information?  Please contact your Equitable wholesaler.

® or TM denote trademarks of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.