Supporting you and your group clients during the COVID-19 pandemic

We know these are challenging times.
As COVID-19 continues to spread, we want to reassure you that we remain ready and committed to support you, your group clients and their plan members.
We have a robust and well-tested business continuity plan in place and have taken the necessary steps to maintain the high level of service you have come to expect from us. Our business is near 100% digital, so the vast majority of our employees are now working remotely from home and are fully functional. Our Customer Care Centre remains open to support plan members and can be reached at 1.800.265.4556. And our Client Relationship Specialists are available for Plan Administrator questions and support.
As the situation continues to develop, we know you will have questions about what it means for your clients and their plan members. We have already issued announcements related to Travel Assist coverage for plan members who are outside of the country, and about short-term disability coverage for plan members who are in quarantine or self-isolation. We will continue to provide timely updates as developments unfold.
All of us are facing an unprecedented number of urgent situations where there is no established protocol. Our commitment to you and your clients is to respond quickly, and to be flexible where we can, tailoring solutions to specific needs. The global situation is evolving rapidly; we ask for your patience as our solutions also evolve quickly and accordingly. Your Group Account Executive and myFlex Sales Manager are well equipped to navigate Equitable Life’s experts and to resolve difficulties.
These are extraordinary times and history is in the making. Rest assured that Equitable Life is unwavering in our support, and we will be here to help you when it matters most.