Tax Slips – What you need to know

It is tax time, and clients should be receiving tax slips and deposit receipts by now. Check out the Tax Slips: A Quick Reference Guide for a taxation breakdown by product and Insights into Non-Registered Taxation for a detailed explanation on investment income, and why T3 tax slips are generated on non-registered segregated funds.
Clients who registered for tax slips on Equitable Client Access before December 31, 2022, can download or print tax slips quickly and easily from their Equitable® Client Access Inbox. Advisors can download tax receipts on Document Lookup on EquiNet®.
For questions about contribution limits, Retirement Income Fund minimums and Canada pension maximums check out Equitable Life®’s helpful 2023 Facts & Figures guide.
Equitable's Advisor Services Team is available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET at 1.866.884.7427 or by email at You can also contact your Regional Investment Sales Manager.
® denotes a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.
Posted: February 15, 2023