The value of Equitable Life’s EZcomplete online application for Pivotal Select

Necessity is the mother of invention. And COVID-19 has taken Equitable Life’s® EZcomplete® online application to the next level. Prior to the pandemic, EZcomplete was touted as being convenient and easy to use. Well, it is. But now…it is so much more.
Whether secure in an office or safe at home, EZcomplete’s non face-to-face capabilities include an alternative to physical verification. EZcomplete simply requires verification of ID using a third-party service provider. The third-party service provider completes the verification behind the scenes using information that was already required to complete an application. By removing the physical ID requirements, the ID verification process has been automated and simplified.
EZcomplete’s electronic signature functionality is also easy and secure. To enable a remote signature, your client just provides an e-mail address. Your client will receive a link and security code that you provide. The client enters the code, reviews the application and e-signs the documents.
Step by step directions ensure you have the right details without any confusing or unnecessary questions. Highlighted fields alert you to any missing information, eliminating any extra work or effort. The immediate processing also helps make it an attractive resource.
Whether selling segregated funds face to face or from the comfort of home, Equitable Life’s EZcomplete online application and Pivotal Select™ segregated fund line up provide the solution for even the most rattled and weary investor. Learn more, visit EquiNet or contact your Regional Investment Sales Manager.