Updates to Savings & Retirement forms and applications

Updates to Savings & Retirement forms and applications

To align with the launch of Pivotal Select’s 12 new segregated funds, Equitable Life has updated the following administrative documents for Savings & Retirement.
Form #375SEL – Pivotal Select segregated fund codes
Form #1383 – Pivotal Select TFSA Application
Form #1384 –Pivotal Select Application Registered/Non-Registered
Form #1403 – Pivotal Select Contract and Information Folder
New online documents and applications are available to download from EquiNet®. Paper applications are also available to order from Equitable’s Supply Team here.
Want to be sure you always have the most up-to-date application? Try our EZcomplete® online application platform. EZcomplete makes it easy to process your non face-to-face applications and allows clients to provide their signature remotely on their own device.
If you have any questions, contact your Regional Investment Sales Manager or Advisors Services Team Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET at 1.866.884.7427, or email savingsretirement@equitable.ca.
® and ™ denotes a registered trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.