Welcome to the new EquiNet!

Welcome to the new EquiNet, Equitable Life’s secure advisor information site. While the website may have a fresh new look, we have maintained the easy navigation and online tools and resources that you know and trust. And now you can find a complete French translation of all content on EquiNet!
Take a tour of the redesigned site by watching the video linked from our homepage. From here you will notice the main menu appears everywhere on the site, giving you easy access to each line of business. Frequently used content and tools are always available through the main ribbon menu, and quick links to popular pages are displayed on the homepage, under our latest news and promotions.
Each line of business has its own landing page. From here you can find information about our products and services, including:
- Marketing Materials
- News
- Rates and Performance
- Sales Strategies
- And more!
Forms and Marketing Materials are each organized in their own tables. You can sort by form number or name to quickly find what you’re looking for.
EquiNet provides you with all the information you need to do business with us. Thank you for choosing to do business with Equitable Life.
Questions? Please visit our FAQ