Accepted Payment Methods

Payment Methods
Equitable Life of Canada offers clients the opportunity to pay their premiums annually or via monthly pre-authorized payments.
If the client chooses to pay via monthly pre-authorized payments, a PAD form is required along with the banking information that the payments are to be drawn from. Form 378 The banking information must include the 3 digit bank number, 5 digit transit number and the associated account number.
All payments submitted must include a policy number.
If a loan repayment is submitted, Equitable Life must be provided with these instructions.
The default order for applying payments that do not include instructions are as follows:
  1. Premium/UL Deposit
  2. Cash Loan
  3. APL
The following payment methods are available for annual premium payments, lump sum UL deposits or loan repayments.
Payment Type Accepted/Not Accepted Requirements to Accept
Starter/Counter Cheques Accepted
  • *Source of funds must be provided with payment.
  • Bank account-holder’s name must be indicated on the cheque.
Money Orders & Bank Drafts Accepted
  • *Source of funds must be provided with payment.
  • Money Orders must be from a recognized financial institution. Money Orders from places such as Canada Post or Western Union will not be accepted.
Cash Not Accepted N/A
Cheque Accepted
  • Must be payable to Equitable Life and completed correctly/completely.
Online Banking Accepted
  • Payments must be made separately for each policy.
  • The payment must include the policy number.
*Acceptable source of fund documentation includes the bank account-holder’s name, date the item in question was issued and amount. Please see below for examples:
  • A letter from the bank on their letterhead
  • A copy of the bank statement
Important Notes
  • All payments that are made to a policy by anyone other than the owner or the insured, must be accompanied by a completed Third Party form. Form 31
  • Payments of $100,000 or more that are made from an individual’s account must be accompanied by a completed Additional/Updated Customer Information form. Form 1027
  • Scotiabank line of credit accounts (11 digit account numbers) are not accepted for monthly pre-authorized payments.
  • Payments submitted in US funds will be subject to the exchange rate posted on the day that the cheque is applied to the policy

Banking Changes

The Pre-Authorized Debit Form #378 is required as outlined below.

Please ensure PAD form is signed by owner and new payor 
Ensure all policies affected by new banking are included on PAD form
For requests to change withdrawal date, special PAD requests etc. as outlined below provide a written request to
or contact our Customer Service Team at 1-800-668-4095.

Please note, Equitable requires 10 business days to make any changes to banking.

When a New Pre-Authorized Debit Form Required?
Start a New PAD YES
Change the Payor on an existing PAD YES
New Policy with request to use existing banking on file under another policy
Note: this is typically indicated on the application for insurance under the PAD agreement section
"Easy Switch" change received directly from the bank on the client's behalf, to update banking only (not payor)
Note: Typically this is a document rather than a VOID cheque and contains the bank's letterhead and/or stamp of authentication
Change to Withdrawal Date NO
Change to the withdrawal amounts (+ or -) and includes special PAD requests related to shortages etc. NO
Resume PAD after an NSF/Stop Payment etc. NO
Stop PAD - (premium holiday) - Later resumed by client (same payor) NO
Lapse - Policy reinstated (same payor) NO*
Policy Conversions NO*
* Bank changes must be done in writing and the instruction retained on file
Changes to EDO Payments

Stopping or Decreasing existing EDO:
Call/email/Letter of direction from owner requesting to decrease/stop EDO.
Request can also be made by servicing advisor.
If paying by monthly PAD, please note that 10 business days’ notice prior to the withdrawal date is required
to be able to guarantee the change.
Decreases are subject to minimum EDO amounts

Resuming EDO:
Call/email/Letter of direction from owner requesting to resume within the allowable
contribution period. Request can also be made by servicing advisor.
Allowable Contribution Period:
  • 2 years from last EDO Deposit for policies Issued prior to March 23, 2020
  • 5 years from last EDO Deposit for policies Issued on or after March 23, 2020
EDO Limits:
Payments are limited to the highest annual EDO contribution amount paid in:
  • The previous 3-year period for policies issued prior to March 23, 2020.
  • The previous 5-year period for policies issued on or after to March 23, 2020.

Adding/Increasing EDO above Max:
Only available on G3 Policies – additional documentation required.
G3 Policy Change | EquiNet Equitable Life's advisor site


Dividend Withdrawals and Change and Premium Offset

Request for Dividend Withdrawal
Clients can request a full or partial withdrawal of their dividends by completing the Request for Withdrawal of Dividends, Change in Option, or Premium Offset form. Form 558
The disbursement will be issued as a cheque payable to the policy owner(s) unless otherwise specified on the request. If the client would like the funds sent via EFT, the bank account details must be provided to us. The account where the funds are to be deposited must belong to the policy owner; we cannot issue funds to anyone else. There are no exceptions to this rule. 
Older whole life plans that are inforce on the VAX legacy system cannot have EFT.
Request for Change in Dividend Option
Clients can request to change their dividend option by completing the Request for Withdrawal of Dividends, Change in Option, or Premium Offset form. Form 558
If the client changes from Paid-Up Additions or Enhancement, they may not be able to switch back to these options.
Medical evidence/evidence of insurability on the base lives is required to request a change in dividend option to Paid-Up Additions and also requires approval from our underwriting department.
Please complete:
 Application for Change - G2 #374
 Application for Change - G3 #374

Request for Premium Offset
Clients can request Premium Offset by completing the Request for Withdrawal of Dividends, Change in Option, or Premium Offset form. Form 558
Premium Offset is not guaranteed & is subject to dividend scale changes.
Any outstanding loans must be paid in full prior to electing premium offset.
Premium Offset cannot be attempted on a policy until the policy is paid to the anniversary date.
Requests for Premium Offset must be received 21 days prior to the anniversary date.
Premium Offset cannot be attempted on a policy after the current anniversary has passed. The client will be required to pay premiums for the current policy year and attempt offset the following anniversary. For example, if the policy anniversary is July 10th and the request to place the policy on offset is received July 11th, the request cannot be processed until the following year and current premiums must be paid.
If Premium Offset is successful, it is possible that the client may have to begin paying premiums again in the future.
Notes that apply to Dividend Withdrawals, Dividend Change and Premium Offset requests
If the policy is jointly owned, both policy owners must sign the request.
If the beneficiary is preferred or irrevocable, the beneficiary's signature is required, as well as the policyowner's.
If the policy is assigned, the assignee's release or signature is required, whichever is applicable.
Clients should only complete/sign the section on the form relating to the request type they are submitting.
Tax implications may apply.


Policy Documentation Contract Replacement

To receive a Replacement Contract complete the Request for Policy Documentation #42 form. 
Policy Summary
Summary’s are available for MGA’s and servicing advisors to produce on Equinet. If you require assistance in producing a summary, please contact customer service at 1-800-668-4095 or via email at 
Duplicate Contracts
If the owner has lost the original policy contract, please complete form 42 and submit the form and payment to our office.
In the provinces of BC, Alberta and Ontario, the first replacement copy is free of charge, however future copies will have a $50.00 replacement fee. All other provinces have a $50.00 fee per contract.
A paper contract is issued, we do not issue electronic versions.


Policy Loan

Policy Loans – Whole Life & Universal Life

A digital version of this form is available on the Values tab through Policy Inquiry

Policy loans can be requested on a whole life and universal life products; however, a loan is not guaranteed and is dependent on the cash surrender value of the policy.
To request a loan, a Policy Loan Agreement form must be completed. Form 680 A new form must be completed for each loan request.
If the policy is on Premium Offset or the premium is outstanding, a loan is not available.
When completing the form to request a UL loan, please only indicate only one of:
  • The total amount of the loan that the client would like to receive or,
  • The amount of money to be transferred to DIA or GDA to back the loan.
    • If this section is completed, the amount transferred will be more than the loan amount issued.
The minimum loan amount allowed is $500.00.
If the client is paying their premium via pre-authorized payments, they have the option to add a minimum loan repayment amount of $10.00 to their withdrawal or submit loan repayments via cheque or online payment. If the premium is paid annually, the client is required to submit loan repayments via cheque or online payment (please see payment methods section for more information)
UL Withdrawals
A cash withdrawal from a UL can be requested with a letter of direction signed and dated by the applicable policy owner(s).  A new letter of direction is required for each withdrawal request.
There is a $25.00 processing fee for each withdrawal.
The minimum withdrawal amount allowed is $500.00.
There must be a minimum of $500.00 CSV left in the policy after the withdrawal and fee have been processed.
A cash withdrawal on a policy that is not an Account Value Protector policy is subject to a face amount decrease if the withdrawal amount + fee exceeds the lesser of 1% of the face value or $1,999.99.
Additional Notes for both UL Withdrawals and Policy Loans
If there is a taxable gain that is greater than 10% of the requested loan/withdrawal amount, an email will be sent to the advisor/MGA and the loan request will be held until a response is received or the deadline on the email has passed.
The disbursement will be issued as a cheque payable to the policy owner(s) unless otherwise specified on the request. If the client would like the funds sent via EFT, the bank account details must be provided to us. The account where the funds are to be deposited must belong to the policy owner; we cannot issue funds to anyone else. There are no exceptions to this rule.
*Older whole life plans that are inforce on the VAX legacy system cannot have EFT.
If the policy is jointly owned, both policy owners must sign the request.
If the beneficiary is preferred or irrevocable, the beneficiary's signature is required, as well as the policyowner's.
If the policy is assigned, the assignee's release or signature is required, whichever is applicable.

Policy Loan History

To request a Policy Loan or Premium History please complete the Policy Loan OR Premium History Request #46
History under 2 years - no charge 
History 2-5 years - $50.00 
History 5-7 years - $100.00
CRA guidelines require financial institutions to retain 7 years of loan/premium history. If we have access to more information it will be included in the request. There is a fee schedule noted on the form and the form will need to be completed and payment must be made prior to the request being completed. History under 24 months will not include a fee. 


Policy Title Changes

To Request a Beneficiary Change complete:
                Beneficiary Change Request Form #671BCF 
To Request a Name Change or correction complete:
                Name Change Form #671NC 
To Request an Ownership Change complete:
                Ownership Change Form #671OC 
Note for Name/Beneficiary/Owner Change confirmation only of the change is provided to the advisor and/or the policy owner. Updated information regarding the change can be verified on Client Access/Equinet. 

Name Changes:
In addition to the appropriate signatures, please include a copy of government issued identification (if required per the form), i.e. marriage certificate, passport, driver's license, certificate of name change showing new/correct name.
Ownership Changes
For Ownership changes on Universal Life and Whole Life policies, along with the appropriate signatures, and possible applicable corporate documentation please ensure the form is signed by the advisor. The advisor is required to perform identification verification.
For Ownership changes on Term and Critical Illness policies, the advisor is not required to sign the form, and corporate documentation is not required. The advisor is not required to perform identification verification.
If no Beneficiary Change (Form 671BCF) is included with the application for Ownership Change, the beneficiary will automatically be designated per below:
•     if the new owner is also the life insured, the beneficiary defaults to the estate of the new owner
•     if the new owner is someone other than the life insured, the beneficiary defaults to the new owner
Please ensure the below forms are included (if applicable);
Form 594: this form must be completed for Universal Life and Whole Life ownership changes any time the Owner of a policy is changing to an entity (Example: corporation, business, charity, association, etc.) or when adding an entity as a joint owner.
Form 594: this form is not required to be completed for Term and Critical Illness ownership changes to an entity.

Form 1027: this form is no longer required for ownership changes except in the case of deposits equal to or greater than $100,000 submitted with the ownership change.

Form 31: this form must be completed if the payor is changing to an individual or entity that is not the old owner, new owner or the insured.
Form 378: this form must be completed if the payor is changing. Ensure that signature of the new policy owner, new payor (if different from the owner) and/or Corporation signature and information (if applicable) are completed under section 6.

Ownership Changes & Banking
Payor is changing to the new owners account a 378 PAD form & Void Cheque Required

Payor is changing to a Third Party account (not the old owner, new owner or the insured) Form 31, 378 PAD form & Void Cheque Required

Payor is staying the same as before the ownership change and the existing banking belongs to the old owner, new owner or the insured, no additional banking documents required
There may be situations wherein additional requirements may be necessary. Head Office will advise upon receipt.

Please note there are potential tax implications with ownership changes.

Beneficiary Changes
For Beneficiary changes, ensure that date and signature of policy owner(s) is completed on page 2 of the form.

If changing an Irrevocable beneficiary, the irrevocable beneficiary must sign the beneficiary change request form to release interest as irrevocable beneficiary.  A minor irrevocable beneficiary is not able to sign the beneficiary change request form to release their interest as an irrevocable beneficiary until they have reached the age of majority.
If changing a Preferred beneficiary (spouse, parent, child or grand-child), to someone outside the Preferred Class, the preferred beneficiary must sign the beneficiary change request form to release interest as a preferred beneficiary.
Preferred Class will only apply to a policy issued before June 30, 1962, Preferred Class includes spouse, parent, child or grandchild.
If changing a Preferred beneficiary to a person within the Preferred Class, the beneficiary's signature is not required.


Pre-Authorized Payments

Pre-Authorized Debit Form #378
Please note, Equitable requires 10 business days to make any changes to banking.
Ensure Pad form is signed by owner and new payor
Ensure all policies affected by new banking are included on PAD form

Re-Allocation of funds


A digital version of this form is available on the Investments tab through Policy Inquiry.

In order to request a reallocation and/or transfer, the client must complete the Reallocation of Funds form. 
Reallocation of Funds - Universal Life #693
Subject to market value adjustments and surrender charges, if applicable.
Clients have the option to choose which funds they would like their account value invested in and which funds their monthly charges are debited from.
This form is also used to transfer funds between investment accounts.
Clients can change their allocations or transfer funds as often as they choose to.
The investment funds available vary based on the product type. Please review the form carefully and ensure the appropriate section is completed.
All policies received after October 7th 2016 must have the Shuttle allocation as Daily Interest (DIA).
Policyowner(s) signature required.



To apply for Reinstatement of a Lapsed policy complete:
Declaration of Insurability (Reinstatement) #370 
Please ensure payment or void cheque is submitted with application
Evidence of Insurability
Yes - depending on the answers provided on the Declaration of Insurability form. Information must be provided for all lives insured.
Require all outstanding premiums to pay policy to current month.
All premiums will be deducted upon reinstatement approval.
Policyowner(s) signature 

Life Insurance Plans:
Reinstatement available within 24 months from lapse date.
Form #370 is required for each life insured.

Critical Illness:
Reinstatement available within 12 months from lapse date if issued prior to July 1, 2010 or 24 months if issued after July 1, 2010
Return of Premium on Expiry (ROPE) is not eligible on Reinstated policies. Critical Illness policies with the ROPE rider will be reinstated without the ROPE rider.


Replacement Procedures- LIRD and Written Analysis

Replacement requirements by province 
Evidence of Insurability
Our Obligation as an insurer is (Ontario Regulations quoted below):
If an insurer receives from an agent an application for a contract of insurance indicating that replacement of life insurance is intended, the insurer has the following duties:
  1. The insurer shall ensure that a completed life insurance replacement declaration and a written explanation, each are reviewed with the applicant and signed by the applicant, and are filed with the application.
  2. The insurer shall keep a copy of all documents forwarded by its agent under this Regulation at the insurer's principal office or place of business in Canada for at least three years after receiving the documents.What does this mean for us?
  1. Mandated Provinces require the LIRD and Written Analysis to be received prior to issue
  2. Once the forms are at Equitable our responsibility is to:
  3. ensure that all of the questions are answered on the forms
  4. ensure that the forms are signed and dated by the policy owner(S)
  5. ensure that any of Equitable's product features listed on the LIRD are accurate. 
  • It is important to note that a LIRD form is not a termination form. The LIRD form is the possible intent to terminate the original policy, however does not grant authority to terminate a policy. See Termination tab for requirements on policy surrenders.



To request a policy termination complete:
Request for Termination #681 
Chargeback may apply (see Commission schedule)

If policy is on Pre-Authorized Payment Equitable requires 10 business days advance notice to ensure no further premium payments are drawn.

Pre-Authorized Payment Tax implications may apply at time of disbursement.

If the beneficiary is preferred or irrevocable, the beneficiary's signature is required, as well as the policyowner's.

If the policy is assigned, we must receive the release of assignment from the lender prior to the surrender.
If there is bankruptcy on file, we must receive the discharge of bankruptcy from the Trustee, in order to surrender the policy.
If the client is a non -resident with a Whole Life or Universal Life policy, additional requirements may be required, and withholding tax may be applicable.

Rescission/Not Taken requests
The client has 10 days from the date the policy is delivered to them, to change their mind and rescind the policy. In order to receive a refund for the premiums paid, Equitable will require a signed letter of direction from the client that indicates they don’t accept the policy. This letter must be dated, include the policy number and client's signature.
The advisor will also need to provide a copy of the delivery receipt to support the date that the contract delivery took place. The contract will need to be returned to Equitable Life.
Internal Replacements:
If the client has an existing policy with Equitable Life, and will be replacing the contract with a new policy at Equitable Life, they may qualify for the internal replacement process.
Once the new contract is issued, the New Business Team with send form #1609 to the MGA. If the client completes this form and returns it to Equitable life within 30 days of the new policy being issued, the client will receive any overlapping premiums returned to them.