Equimax® Participating Whole Life – A whole life solution for everyone

Equimax® Participating Whole Life – A whole life solution for everyone
Recently, we made some exciting changes for Equimax Estate Builder® and Equimax Wealth Accumulator®.

These enhancements, launched in February, make Equimax the preferred solution for clients and their families. In particular, buying a whole life solution for children gives them a head start for tomorrow. Life insurance on a child gives them:
- Permanent insurance at children’s rates
- A stable tax-advantaged investment option
- A boost in financial planning

Watch our new Equimax for Children video to learn more. View on Vimeo or YouTube.

Plus, visit our Equimax product page on EquiNet®, then click on the Marketing Materials tab for the latest Equimax marketing materials.

Need more information? Please contact your local wholesaler.

® denotes trademarks of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada.