Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance

Participating whole life - Equimax Estate Builder®/ Equimax Wealth Accumulator®

In an environment where guarantees are increasingly rare, people are looking for the guaranteed death benefit, cash values and premiums that Equimax participating whole life insurance offers.

Check out the evolution of our Equimax participating whole life solution (August 2023) here: www.equitable.ca/wlevolution
See the changes made in our earlier update (February 2023) here: www.equitable.ca/wl

Key features include:

• Dividends have been credited every year since we first launched participating whole life in 1936.1
• Choice of three guaranteed premium options – payable for 10 years (for Equimax Estate Builder only), 20 years or life.
• Competitive rates and values in both the middle income family and advanced large case markets.
• Retirement and estate planning concepts built right into the Equitable Sales Illustrations® System.
• Advanced insurance planning concepts and support to help you grow your sales in the large case market

Demystifying participating whole life insurance

Learn more about participating policies, how the participating account is managed, factors considered in the dividend calculation, how a client's policy could be impacted by a change in the dividend scale and more. Learn more

Premium deposit fund

A convenient way for clients to prearrange the funding of premiums for Equimax policies. Ideal for clients who:

  • Have access to sufficient cash to make contributions into the fund.
  • Want a more flexible solution than alternative methods of paying premiums in advance.
  • The current Premium deposit fund interest rate for Equimax Wealth Accumulator and Equimax Estate Builder is 0.8%. Find out more 

Life policy collateral loans

Equimax policyholders can use the cash surrender value of their life insurance policy as collateral for a tax-free bank loan. Find out more

1 Dividends are not guaranteed and are paid at the sole discretion of the Board of dirctors. Dividends may be subject to taxation. Dividends will vary based on the actual investment returns in the participating account as well as mortality, expenses, lapse, claims experience, taxes and other experiences of the participating block of policies.
Interested in ordering marketing materials? Complete our Life & Health supply order form

Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation - The digital printer friendly versions of these brochures are not to be altered. PLEASE NOTE that if you choose to distribute the brochure by electronic mail to your clients or prospects, you must comply with Canada's new anti-spam legislation. You could be subject to severe penalties should you not comply. Find out more at fightspam.gc.ca.

This table includes downloadable marketing materials saved in PDF format. Each row is a different product and may contain versions of the brochure in alternate languages.
Form Number Cover Marketing Material Name Available Languages Product
1875 Download cover image for file Equimax Wealth Accumulator – The path to maximizing tax-advantaged growth Equimax Wealth Accumulator – The path to maximizing tax-advantaged growth File
Let Equitable Life show you the way. For advisor use only.
FR Participating Whole Life
2043 Download cover image for file 10 Pay Equimax Estate Builder Enhanced 10 Pay Equimax Estate Builder Enhanced File FR Participating Whole Life
1271 Download cover image for file 5 Reasons for doing business with Equitable 5 Reasons for doing business with Equitable File
This advisor piece lists the top 5 reasons why Equitable Life should be your first choice.
FR General Content
1346 Download cover image for file A closer look at life insurance A closer look at life insurance File
For advisor use only. This chart takes a closer look at life insurance and highlights some of the key differences between Equitable's term, whole life and universal life products. (Available in PDF Format only.)
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1131 Download cover image for file A head start, for tomorrow A head start, for tomorrow File
This client brochure introduces Equimax Par Whole Life for children. Equimax provides affordable permanent insurance at children's rates, plus tax-advantaged growth and cash value that can be accessed
FR Participating Whole Life
1791 Download cover image for file Advanced market insurance solutions Advanced market insurance solutions File
Equitable Life is not your typical financial services company. This booklet highlights some of the reasons why.
FR CH General Content
1782 Download cover image for file Building a stronger investment portfolio with participating whole life Building a stronger investment portfolio with participating whole life File
Adding a permanent participating life insurance policy to clients' financial plans can help improve the rate of return and reduce the risk in the investment portfolio.
FR Participating Whole Life
1782B Download cover image for file Building a stronger investment portfolio with participating whole life (supplemental) Building a stronger investment portfolio with participating whole life (supplemental) File
Adding a permanent participating life insurance policy to clients’ financial plans can help improve the rate of return and reduce the risk in the investment portfolio. A closer look at the numbers.
FR Participating Whole Life
1134 Download cover image for file Charitable giving through life insurance Charitable giving through life insurance File
This client piece shows how life insurance is an easy and affordable way to amplify the amount of a charitable gift without impacting their family's inheritance.
FR General Content
Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1291 Download cover image for file Choice, flexibility, guarantees (Which plan type is right for you?) Choice, flexibility, guarantees (Which plan type is right for you?) File
Use this client piece to help you determine the best plan type to help your clients achieve their goals: Equimax Estate Builder or Equimax Wealth Accumulator.
FR Participating Whole Life
1562 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer (generic flyer) Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer (generic flyer) File
Provides a generic overview of the Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer concept without a specific reference to Equimax participating whole life or Equation Generation IV universal life.
FR Sales Strategies
1570 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer using Equimax Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer using Equimax File
Are your clients looking for the most tax-efficient way to get the value of their shares out of their company and into the hands of their estate? Choose the Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer.
FR Sales Strategies
2011 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer® using whole life Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer® using whole life File
If clients are looking for the most tax-efficient way to get the value of their shares out of their company and into the hands of their estate, consider the Corporate Preferred Estate Transfer using a participating whole life insurance policy.
FR Participating Whole Life
Sales Strategies
2075 Download cover image for file Equimax Participating Whole Life Strong and Stable Dividends Equimax Participating Whole Life Strong and Stable Dividends File FR CH Participating Whole Life
2077 Download cover image for file Flexibility for supplemental income with Equimax Flexibility for supplemental income with Equimax File FR Participating Whole Life
N/A Policy loan QA File FR Participating Whole Life
N/A Dividend Q&A Advisor Educational Series File FR Participating Whole Life
1505 Download cover image for file Dividend scale interest rate 30-year historical performance Dividend scale interest rate 30-year historical performance File
The following chart shows a 30-year history of Equitable Life's dividend scale interest rate compared to other well-known economic indicators.
FR CH General Content
1577 Download cover image for file Preferred Estate Transfer - Preferred Retirement Solution Preferred Estate Transfer - Preferred Retirement Solution File FR Participating Whole Life
SS2 Equimax & Term Certain Annuity Package File
This sales track shows you how to use a Term Certain Annuity to prearrange funding for an Equimax policy.
FR Participating Whole Life
N/A Equimax Advisor Product Admin Guide File FR Participating Whole Life
1129 Download cover image for file Equimax Client Guide Equimax Client Guide File
This guide provides clients with the information they need about Equimax participating Whole Life insurance and explains the benefits of Par whole life from a mutual life insurance company.
FR CH Participating Whole Life
N/A Equimax Client Presentation File FR Participating Whole Life
2071 Download cover image for file Equimax Product Summary Equimax Product Summary File
This two page document provides advisors with an overview of the target market, features and benefits specific to this product.
FR Participating Whole Life
N/A Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Strategy - Underwriting Considerations File FR CH Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1988 Download cover image for file Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Strategy Case Study - Transferring wealth to a grandchild Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Strategy Case Study - Transferring wealth to a grandchild File FR CH Participating Whole Life
1980 Download cover image for file Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Strategy Case Study - Transferring wealth to an adult child Intergenerational Wealth Transfer Strategy Case Study - Transferring wealth to an adult child File FR CH Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1135 Download cover image for file Excelerator Deposit Option Highlights Excelerator Deposit Option Highlights File FR Participating Whole Life
1893 Download cover image for file Forward thinking ... Equimax whole life insurance for children Forward thinking ... Equimax whole life insurance for children File
Smart investing for a child’s future with Equimax. This case study shows how paying a total of $48,000 in premiums over 20 years ($200 monthly) can provide a child with access of up to $288,000 in cash value over 60 years.
FR CH Participating Whole Life
1025 Download cover image for file Individual Life & Health Products At-a-glance Individual Life & Health Products At-a-glance File
This guide can be used as an easy reference to all of Equitable's Life and Health products currently available for sale.
FR General Content
Critical illness Insurance
Participating Whole Life
Sales Strategies
1874 Download cover image for file Levelize the tax on fixed income investments with corporately-owned participating whole life (corporate clients) Levelize the tax on fixed income investments with corporately-owned participating whole life (corporate clients) File
This piece illustrates how corporate clients with a large taxable fixed income portfolio can levelize and pay less tax on their fixed income investments using Participating Whole Life insurance.
FR Participating Whole Life
1153 Download cover image for file Preserving a family legacy with Equimax Preserving a family legacy with Equimax File FR Participating Whole Life
1578 Download cover image for file Preferred Estate Transfer - Preferred Retirement Solution Preferred Estate Transfer - Preferred Retirement Solution File FR Participating Whole Life
Sales Strategies
N/A Tips for illustrating concepts using WL (Preferred Retirement Solutions using Equimax) File FR Participating Whole Life
N/A Tips for illustrating concepts using WL CORPORATE (Preferred Retirement Solutions using Equimax) File FR Participating Whole Life
2008 Download cover image for file Transferring wealth to an adult child - case study Transferring wealth to an adult child - case study File
This case study demonstrates the intergenerational wealth transfer strategy by looking at the case of an aging adult who wants to leave a long-term financial legacy for future generations by transferring wealth to her adult child.
FR Participating Whole Life
Sales Strategies
1038 Download cover image for file Understanding Participating Whole Life Understanding Participating Whole Life File
This client guide provides information about Equimax participating whole life insurance, including some key financial facts about the management, performance and strength of Equitable Life's Participating Account, how dividends are calculated and how they impact the policy.
FR CH Participating Whole Life
N/A Excelerator deposit option Q&A File FR Participating Whole Life
1195 Download cover image for file Give the Gift of Insurability Give the Gift of Insurability File FR Participating Whole Life
1798 Download cover image for file Harnessing the power of your cash value Harnessing the power of your cash value File
When your clients need cash, they may be able to access the cash value of their Equimax policy. This new marketing piece can help you find the option that works best for them.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1799 Download cover image for file Levelize the tax on your fixed income investments with participating whole life (individual clients) Levelize the tax on your fixed income investments with participating whole life (individual clients) File
Are clients paying more tax than they need to on their fixed income investments? Each year, if the value of those investments increases, so does the tax payable. By adding a whole life insurance policy to a client’s financial plans, they could increase their wealth by recapturing some of the money they are currently paying in taxes.
FR Sales Strategies
1815 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) Checklist Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) Checklist File
Review this checklist with your clients to ensure they understand the Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) and how it can impact them and their business.
FR Sales Strategies
1840 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) using Equimax Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) using Equimax File
Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (corporate borrowing) using Equimax whole life insurance.
FR Participating Whole Life
1563 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) (generic flyer) Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) (generic flyer) File
Provides a generic overview of the Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution concept without a specific reference to Equimax participating whole life or Equation Generation IV universal life.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1556 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) Checklist Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) Checklist File
Review this checklist with your clients to ensure they understand the Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) and how it can impact them and their business.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1571 Download cover image for file Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) using Equimax Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) using Equimax File
Corporate Preferred Retirement Solution (shareholder borrowing) using Equimax whole life insurance.
FR Participating Whole Life
1828 Download cover image for file Participating account executive summary Participating account executive summary File
An overview of assets and allocation, and the historical dividend scale interest rate.
FR Participating Whole Life
1360 Download cover image for file Participating Account Quarterly Update Participating Account Quarterly Update File
Provides quarterly commentary and updated asset mix for the participating account.
FR Participating Whole Life
1204 Download cover image for file Policy Loan Highlights (Equimax) Policy Loan Highlights (Equimax) File FR Participating Whole Life
1564 Download cover image for file Preferred Estate Transfer (generic flyer) Preferred Estate Transfer (generic flyer) File
Provides a generic overview of the Preferred Estate Transfer concept without a specific reference to Equimax participating whole life or Equation Generation IV universal life.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1572 Download cover image for file Preferred Estate Transfer using Equimax Preferred Estate Transfer using Equimax File
The Preferred Estate Transfer is one of the most tax-efficient ways for your clients to build and transfer their wealth.
FR Participating Whole Life
1565 Download cover image for file Preferred Retirement Solution (generic flyer) Preferred Retirement Solution (generic flyer) File
Provides a generic overview of the Preferred Retirement Solution concept without a specific reference to Equimax participating whole life or Equation Generation IV universal life.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1568 Download cover image for file Preferred Retirement Solution Checklist Preferred Retirement Solution Checklist File
Review this checklist with your clients to ensure they understand the Preferred Retirement Solution and how it can impact them.
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1573 Download cover image for file Preferred Retirement Solution using Equimax Preferred Retirement Solution using Equimax File
Use the cash value of a permanent life insurance policy as collateral for a tax-free bank loan to supplement retirement income and use money from taxable investments to pay premiums for the policy.
FR Participating Whole Life
1545 Download cover image for file Premium Deposit Fund Premium Deposit Fund File FR Participating Whole Life
SS4 Preserving a Family Legacy with Equimax File
This sales track shows how Equimax can help keep the family cottage in the family.
FR Participating Whole Life
1735 Download cover image for file Protecting that Bundle of Joy Protecting that Bundle of Joy File FR Critical illness Insurance
Participating Whole Life
1989 Download cover image for file Wealth Transfer to a Grandchild Wealth Transfer to a Grandchild File FR CH Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1981 Download cover image for file Wealth Transfer to an Adult Wealth Transfer to an Adult File FR CH Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1569 Download cover image for file Tax and estate planners' guide to corporate life insurance Tax and estate planners' guide to corporate life insurance File
This guide is a support piece for tax and estate planners who want a high-level review of two unique planning opportunities using corporately-owned life insurance to help meet estate & retirement needs.
FR Sales Strategies
1130 Download cover image for file Wise thinking for your financial plans Wise thinking for your financial plans File
This client brochure introduces Equimax Par Whole Life and why it is ideal for your clients financial planning needs.
FR Participating Whole Life
2046 Download cover image for file WL & Annuity - Child's 10 Pay WL & Annuity - Child's 10 Pay File FR Participating Whole Life
0610 Download cover image for file WL Annuity & Checklist WL Annuity & Checklist File FR Participating Whole Life
0613 Download cover image for file WL Annuity 20 Pay WL Annuity 20 Pay File FR Participating Whole Life
0612 Download cover image for file WL Annuity Child's 20 Pay WL Annuity Child's 20 Pay File FR Participating Whole Life
0614 Download cover image for file WL Annuity Create a Legacy WL Annuity Create a Legacy File FR Participating Whole Life