Paramedicals are Re-opening Shortly

We are pleased to announce that face-to-face insurance testing paramedical services, including the collection of vitals & fluids, are resuming shortly. Our service providers, Dynacare and ExamOne, have been monitoring the public health standards and have established standards they will operate under to protect the health of both the applicant and health professionals.
Our commitment to your client’s safety
It is Equitable Life's commitment that both clients and advisors will be provided clear and thoughtful communication before initiating any testing. Clients should fully understand the potential risks associated with having a paramedical test taken at this time and are always able to choose not to attend the appointment if they do not feel comfortable or safe.
How will paramedical services be conducted?
Dynacare is conducting appointments at fixed site facilities where clients will travel to the health professional for their appointment. The paramedical questions will be covered by video or telephone to minimize the time spent in the fixed site facility. For more information, see Dynacare’s COVID-19 client guide that will be provided to the client directly.
ExamOne examiners will travel to the client’s home for their appointment and the entire paramedical will be conducted at that time. Information about ExamOne’s COVID-19 processes and their Preparing for my exam client guide will also be provided to the client directy.
When are paramedical services re-opening?
In person paramedical services for Equitable Life cases will begin opening gradually. We have worked closely with our service providers, the CLHIA & provincial governments and believe it is prudent to begin re-opening services in the provinces that have a lower incidence of COVID-19. We will expand the schedule as the incidence of COVID-19 lowers or is expected to lower in specific regions.
Please note if you had an order in process prior to services shutting down, the provider will be looking to re-open and complete those orders. If requirements are no longer needed given the non-med limit changes, the order will remain closed.
Schedule for re-opening paramedical services:
Note: Start dates are subject to change based on the progress of COVID-19.
*Ontario & Quebec to re-open regionally (starting with areas with lower incidence of COVID-19). Specifics for Ontario and Quebec will be communicated closer to the implementation dates for these provinces. Further details can be found in this communication.
Our commitment to your client’s safety
It is Equitable Life's commitment that both clients and advisors will be provided clear and thoughtful communication before initiating any testing. Clients should fully understand the potential risks associated with having a paramedical test taken at this time and are always able to choose not to attend the appointment if they do not feel comfortable or safe.
How will paramedical services be conducted?
Dynacare is conducting appointments at fixed site facilities where clients will travel to the health professional for their appointment. The paramedical questions will be covered by video or telephone to minimize the time spent in the fixed site facility. For more information, see Dynacare’s COVID-19 client guide that will be provided to the client directly.
ExamOne examiners will travel to the client’s home for their appointment and the entire paramedical will be conducted at that time. Information about ExamOne’s COVID-19 processes and their Preparing for my exam client guide will also be provided to the client directy.
When are paramedical services re-opening?
In person paramedical services for Equitable Life cases will begin opening gradually. We have worked closely with our service providers, the CLHIA & provincial governments and believe it is prudent to begin re-opening services in the provinces that have a lower incidence of COVID-19. We will expand the schedule as the incidence of COVID-19 lowers or is expected to lower in specific regions.
Please note if you had an order in process prior to services shutting down, the provider will be looking to re-open and complete those orders. If requirements are no longer needed given the non-med limit changes, the order will remain closed.
Schedule for re-opening paramedical services:
Province | Start Date |
Saskatchewan | June 1-Dynacare, June 11-ExamOne |
New Brunswick | June 8-Dynacare, June 11-ExamOne |
PEI and Newfoundland | June 15, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Manitoba | June 15, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Alberta | June 18, Dynacare and ExamOne |
British Columbia | June 22, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Nova Scotia | June 22, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Ontario* | By June 30, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Quebec * | By June 30, Dynacare and ExamOne |
Note: Start dates are subject to change based on the progress of COVID-19.
*Ontario & Quebec to re-open regionally (starting with areas with lower incidence of COVID-19). Specifics for Ontario and Quebec will be communicated closer to the implementation dates for these provinces. Further details can be found in this communication.