Request standard inforce illustrations with the click of a button

At Equitable®, we are making continuous improvements to our advisor and client services. We are excited to share an upcoming enhancement.
What’s new?
Beginning on August 15, 2024 , you and your clients will be able to request standard, current inforce illustrations—at any time—for your clients’ whole life and universal life policies with the click of a button.
Currently, standard inforce illustrations for whole life and universal life policies are autogenerated only on policy anniversaries. These inforce illustrations will no longer be autogenerated after August 15, 2024.
Please note: For specialized illustrations—such as those with segregated funds, D2000/D2000+ policies, policies where the insured’s age falls outside existing illustration parameters, or policies that were originally from Clarica—you will still need to use the inforce illustration request form for whole life or universal life policies.
How do I access this?
You can request an inforce illustration by logging into EquiNet® and going to the Policy Details page via Policy Inquiry. Under the Coverage tab, you will now see a button called Inforce Illustration Request. Click the button to request the illustration. Learn more about how to access here.