Short and long-term income solutions from Equitable Life

Do you have clients without a company pension plan, close to retiring and worried about outliving their savings? Have you talked to them about annuities? Maybe it’s time you did.
A payout annuity from Equitable Life® provides regular guaranteed income in retirement. Your clients can choose from
- Life Annuity – guaranteed income for life
- Joint Life Annuity – guaranteed income for two lives
- Term Certain – guaranteed income for a specific period of time (5 to 30 years)
- Term Certain to Age 90 – guaranteed income until age 90
There’s no need for your clients to worry about stock market fluctuations or changing interest rates, what better time to add an annuity to your client’s retirement savings strategy.
Payout annuities are an excellent solution for
- Converting your savings into retirement income
- Covering predictable fixed monthly expenses
- Providing lifetime income
For more information on payout annuities, please click here.