Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account


1 Equitable has made every effort to ensure accuracy of competitive information as of July 22, 2024. Accuracy is not guaranteed.  
2 Some available term lengths may be limited starting at age 90. 

The Daily Interest Account and Guaranteed Interest Account offer a safe and stable investment. These low-risk investment options provide competitive interest rates and protection from market volatility.

Investment Options




Benefits of Investing



1 Subject to meeting all requirements under the Income Tax Act (Canada). Currently you must be at least age 65 and have no other qualifying pension income. 
2 Terms may be limited at age 90. 
3Interest rate bands are set by deposit size as follows: Band 1: Less than $200,000; Band 2: $200,000 to $499,999; Band 3: $500,000 to $999,999. Deposits greater than $1,000,000 may be eligible for further enhanced rates by submitting a special quote request. 
4 In Quebec, you may receive protection from creditors if a family member who is an ascendant or descendant of the contract owner is named as the beneficiary. 

® or ™ denotes a trademark of The Equitable Life Insurance Company of Canada. 


If you would like to order paper copies, click here for the Savings and Retirement Supply Order Form.

This table includes downloadable marketing materials saved in PDF format. Each row is a different product and may contain versions of the brochure in alternate languages.
Form Number Cover Marketing Material Name Available Languages Product
2087 Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Application - FHSA File
Submit this request digitally via EZcomplete for faster processing.
0693GIA Investment Direction Form - DIA/GIA File FR
0686 Custom Quote - DIA/GIA File FR
1790 Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Contract File FR
0799 Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Application - Registered/Non-Registered File
Submit this request digitally via EZcomplete for faster processing.
0796 Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Application - TFSA File
Submit this request digitally via EZcomplete for faster processing.

If you would like to order paper copies, click here for the Savings and Retirement Supply Order Form.

This table includes downloadable marketing materials saved in PDF format. Each row is a different product and may contain versions of the brochure in alternate languages.
Form Number Cover Marketing Material Name Available Languages Product
2125 Download cover image for file Another reason to invest with Equitable Another reason to invest with Equitable File
In case you need another reason, Equitable is a member of Assuris. Assuris is an independent, not for profit, industry-funded organization that protects contractholders, should their insurance company fail.
1655 Download cover image for file GIA Laddering Option GIA Laddering Option File
Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) laddering means a lump-sum deposit is invested over multiple terms. This allows clients to take advantage of higher interest rates typically offered for longer terms.
1116 Download cover image for file Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account - Product at a Glance Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account - Product at a Glance File
Saving a few dollars every month is impressive but what if that money could earn a little extra? Consider a Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account
1049 Download cover image for file Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Client Brochure Daily/Guaranteed Interest Account Client Brochure File
A Daily/Guaranteed interest account guards against market volatility by providing security of principal with a guaranteed rate of return.
1137 Download cover image for file GIA versus GIC GIA versus GIC File
Guaranteed investing is a safe and secure way of growing your savings.
1306 Download cover image for file A Simple Interest Option for Guaranteed Investing A Simple Interest Option for Guaranteed Investing File
Are you looking for a reliable income stream, while keeping your initial investment intact and protected from market fluctuations?

If you would like to order paper copies, click here for the Savings and Retirement Supply Order Form.

This table includes downloadable marketing materials saved in PDF format. Each row is a different product and may contain versions of the brochure in alternate languages.
Form Number Cover Marketing Material Name Available Languages Product
1638 Download cover image for file Equitable's Competitive Advantage Equitable's Competitive Advantage File
When it comes to simple and straightforward investment products and resources for clients, advisors look to Equitable® to help build and support their business.
1655 Download cover image for file GIA Laddering Option GIA Laddering Option File
Guaranteed Interest Account (GIA) laddering means a lump-sum deposit is invested over multiple terms. This allows clients to take advantage of higher interest rates typically offered for longer terms.
1137 Download cover image for file GIA versus GIC GIA versus GIC File
Guaranteed investing is a safe and secure way of growing your savings.
1306 Download cover image for file A Simple Interest Option for Guaranteed Investing A Simple Interest Option for Guaranteed Investing File
Are you looking for a reliable income stream, while keeping your initial investment intact and protected from market fluctuations?
1618 Download cover image for file The Equitable Investment Advantage The Equitable Investment Advantage File
When you invest with Equitable, you are entitled to features that protect your investment throughout your life, and assist in the efficient transfer of assets when you pass away.
1514 Download cover image for file Gradual Inheritance Strategy Gradual Inheritance Strategy File
When electing this option, you are requesting that the death benefit proceeds payable at your death are used to purchase an annuity for your beneficiary(ies).

Select the appropriate choice to find the current interest rates for Equitable's Guaranteed Interest Account.


• Guaranteed Interest Account Rates

• Investor Profile
