Term Insurance

Term Insurance

Term life insurance
    Term 10    |    Term 20    |    Term 30/65    


We are not a one-size-fits-all society. We like having things tailored specifically for us. With Equitable’s Term life insurance, you can customize coverage for clients. Find the right Term life insurance that protects their needs and matches their budget.

See the latest updates to our Term solution (February 2024): 



• More targeted, competitive pricing
• Yearly renewals after the initial term of level premiums
• Convertibility – convert part or all of the Term coverage to a permanent life policy. Choose from our industry-leading Equimax® Participating Whole Life or Equitable Generations® Universal Life insurance solutions. Age and amount limitations apply for conversion. See the policy contract for more details.
• Flexibility – Turn a T10 into a T20 for up to 25 years of coverage with no renewals. See the policy contract for more details.
• KIND™ benefits – Compassionate Advance* and Bereavement Counselling Benefit

Want to know more?

See our Term sample policy pages.


* The Compassionate Advance benefit is a non-contractual benefit that may be changed or withdrawn by Equitable at anytime.

Convertibility - The power of term life insurance


As clients’ needs change, their insurance should too. Equitable® Term life insurance can help cover a client’s temporary needs today and help protect a client’s permanent needs in the future.

All our term life insurance solutions give clients the option to convert to a permanent life insurance policy, regardless of their health at that time! 

Let’s look at some of the flexibility Equitable Term life insurance gives clients.

What happens if a client’s temporary need for protection today…

... extends beyond the initial term of the policy?

Term 10 and Term 20 coverages renew on an annual basis once the initial term is over, so clients can keep their coverage for longer than the initial term. At each renewal, premiums increase to an amount that is guaranteed in their contract.  

Our Term 10 plans have some extra flexibility with our exchange option. Within the first 5 years of the policy or before the client turns 65 (whichever comes first), clients can exchange their Term 10 plan for a Term 20 plan issued at current age and rates. By exchanging their Term 10 coverage, clients can be covered for up to 25 years total without having a renewal. They can also choose to convert their Term 20 plan sometime in the future to a permanent plan. This is all without having to give us proof of continued good health (this means no underwriting!).

… changes to both a temporary need and a lifetime need?
partial conversion might be the way to go!

Client can choose to convert part of their term coverage to a permanent plan and:

  1. keep their remaining term coverage on the original term plan, or
  2. cancel or reduce their remaining term coverage, or
  3. carryover the remaining term coverage as a term life insurance rider on the new permanent policy at then-current age and rates.

How a partial term conversion with a term rider carryover works

If 50% or more of the original term coverage is being converted to permanent coverage, the remaining term coverage can be added as a term rider. That means, all their coverage on one policy with one policy fee.

If less than 50% of the original term coverage is being converted to permanent coverage, the maximum amount that can be carried over as a term rider will be equal to the permanent coverage amount. Any remaining term coverage will stay on the original policy.

See the Term Admin Guide for more details.  

… changes to a lifetime need?
Explore a full conversion! Under a full conversion, clients can convert their entire term coverage to Equimax®, our industry-leading participating whole life plan, or an Equitable Generations™ universal life plan. By doing this, the client’s need for lifetime protection is covered off with guaranteed level premiums!

Any conversion must be done before the age specified in the term life insurance contract. See the Term Admin Guide and policy contract for more details.

 Access the power of term
Encourage clients to explore the ways that our term life insurance solution can meet their needs today!

Want to learn more?

1801 – Term Life Insurance protection
1004 – Case study – Balancing need and affordability
Term Life Insurance Admin/Advisor Guide

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This table includes downloadable marketing materials saved in PDF format. Each row is a different product and may contain versions of the brochure in alternate languages.
Form Number Cover Marketing Material Name Available Languages Product
1271 Download cover image for file 5 Reasons for doing business with Equitable 5 Reasons for doing business with Equitable File
This advisor piece lists the top 5 reasons why Equitable Life should be your first choice.
FR General Content
1346 Download cover image for file A closer look at life insurance A closer look at life insurance File
For advisor use only. This chart takes a closer look at life insurance and highlights some of the key differences between Equitable's term, whole life and universal life products. (Available in PDF Format only.)
FR Participating Whole Life
Universal Life
1004 Download cover image for file Balancing need and affordability Balancing need and affordability File FR Term
1758 Download cover image for file Take a Premium Holiday Take a Premium Holiday File FR Critical illness Insurance
Universal Life
N/A Term Advisor/Admin Guide File FR
2061 Download cover image for file The Ultimate Bundle for Young Professionals The Ultimate Bundle for Young Professionals File FR Critical illness Insurance
Universal Life
SS2 Equimax & Term Certain Annuity Package File
This sales track shows you how to use a Term Certain Annuity to prearrange funding for an Equimax policy.
FR Participating Whole Life
1025 Download cover image for file Individual Life & Health Products At-a-glance Individual Life & Health Products At-a-glance File
This guide can be used as an easy reference to all of Equitable's Life and Health products currently available for sale.
FR General Content
Critical illness Insurance
Participating Whole Life
Sales Strategies
1309 Download cover image for file Protecting Yourself and Your Family with Critical Illness and Term Life Insurance Protecting Yourself and Your Family with Critical Illness and Term Life Insurance File FR Critical illness Insurance
1345 Download cover image for file Preferred Underwriting Classifications Preferred Underwriting Classifications File
This guide provides an overview of the Preferred Underwriting Classifications that determine the rates for Preferred Term insurance at Equitable.
FR Term
1301 Download cover image for file Taking Care of Business with Term Taking Care of Business with Term File
Whether your client is a sole proprietor, or in a partnership or corporation, the death of an owner or a key employee impacts the business. Business Term Life can help mitigate those risks.
FR Term
2039 Download cover image for file Term Insurance Product Summary Term Insurance Product Summary File
This one page document provides advisors with an overview of the target market, features and benefits specific to this product.
FR Term
1801 Download cover image for file Term Life Insurance - Flexible protection that can last a lifetime Term Life Insurance - Flexible protection that can last a lifetime File
Affordable protection. Rewards for your healthy lifestyle. Adjust your plan to meet your changing needs.
FR Term
1255 Download cover image for file Unique Mortgage Protection Unique Mortgage Protection File
This brochure compares some of the key features of mortgage protection and highlights the advantages of using Equitable Life’s Term insurance over typical mortgage insurance from a lending institution
FR CH Term
2114 Download cover image for file Your guide to Term life insurance Your guide to Term life insurance File FR Term